Dave et al. (2004), a method that uses random forests
with conditional inference tress by Hothorn et
al. (2006a) , and a method that uses boosting with
component-wise univariate Cox models (Hothorn et al., 2006a).
To use this web
tool you need to provide three files, one with the gene expression data,
another with the survival time (time to event, e.g., time to death) and a
a third one indicating whether the event was observed or
not (the later are the censored cases).
If you have a
validation data set, you can also include the expression data, the
survival time and the censored status of the validation data. However, DO
NOT (I repeat DO NOT) keep playing around with the parameters until things
look nice with the validation data. That would be a serious case of
overfitting .
Input files (help )
Validation data (? )
Use validation data
Method (help )
FCMS : Filter, Cluster,
and Stepwise model selection (as in Dave et al.).
TGD: Threshold Gradient
Descent (Li and Gui).
Random forests: Random
forests using conditional inference trees (Hothorn et al., 2006a).
GLMboost: Boosting of
component-wise Cox models (Hothorn et al., 2006 b).
Floating-point numbers , such as 0.001, can be specified as either "0.001",
"1e-3" or "1E-3" (without the "", of course). Anything else will produce
an error.
Click "Submit" to start execution.